
Visual Abstract

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2021;15(2): 82-86. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2021.014
PMID: 34386177        PMCID: PMC8346715

Original Article

The effects of different surface contaminators on the shear bond strength of a universal adhesive system to dentin: an experimental study

Mahmoud Bahari 1,2, Siavash Savadi Oskoee 1,2, Mohammad Esmaeel Ebrahimi Chaharom 1 * , Nasim Molayi 1

Cited by CrossRef: 1

1- Bourgi R, Cuevas‐Suarez C, Devoto W, Monjarás‐Ávila A, Monteiro P, Kharma K, Lukomska‐Szymanska M, Hardan L. Effect of contamination and decontamination methods on the bond strength of adhesive systems to dentin: A systematic review. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2023;35(8):1218 [Crossref]