
Visual Abstract

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Platinum* Open Access

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Platinum Open Access 

Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects is a Platinum Open Access journal.

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There are no submission fees or article processing charges for authors submitting their paper to the Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects, the open access publication of which is subsidized by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Department of Vice Chancellor for Research & Technology. Please see our publisher's open access and copyright policy for more information.

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Upon submission, the authors are required to sign a license form for open access publication of their work in the journal, granting the right to TUOMS PRESS to identify itself as the original publisher of the article. The authors agree to the publication of their article under the Creative Commons license 4.0 (CC-BY) while retaining the copyright to their work. Please see our open access and copyright policy and exclusive license agreement (PDF) for more information.


This journal publishes articles provides unrestricted access to the published content through its website and open access repositories such as PubMed Central (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1889/).

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Any complaint regarding our editorial policies or manuscripts handling should be directed to joddd@tbzmed.ac.ir. 


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Contact person

Editorial Assistant, Ms. Parvaneh Bourji


Journal of Dental Research Dental Clinics Dental Prospects  Editorial Office
 2nd floor, Entrance 1, 
Faculty of Dentistry Building 
 Daneshgah St.
 Tabriz 5166614711


+98 41 3377 8001


+98 41 3344 6977




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