J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2013;7(3): 174-176.
doi: 10.5681/joddd.2013.028
PMID: 24082990
PMCID: PMC3779378
  Abstract View: 1128
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Case Report

Multiple Calcifying Hyperplastic Dental Follicle (MCHDF): A Case Report

Shokoofeh Jamshidi, Massoumeh Zargaran*, Nooshin Mohtasham
*Corresponding Author: Email: massoumehzargaran@gmail.com


Evaluation of enlarged follicles with unerupted teeth is always important because some changes may occur. One of the ex-tremely rare conditions seen in dental follicles is multiple calcifying hyperplastic dental follicle. We report a case of multi-ple calcifying hyperplastic dental follicle. Radiographs showed that mandibular third molars had a pericoronal radiolucent zone delineated by a well-defined and sclerotic border. Microscopic examination revealed a combination of fibrous connec-tive and small calcifications. Multiple calcifying hyperplastic dental follicle is a rare condition and its correct diagnosis is necessary to apply appropriate treatment.
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Submitted: 27 Nov 2011
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