J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2011;5(4): 144-147.
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Case Report

A Case of Thrombocytopenia due to Odontogenic Infection

Dinesh Kumar Verma 1*, Ritesh Rajan 1

1 Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sharad Pawar Dental College and Hospital, Sawangi, Wardha, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding Author; , Email: dineshverma@yahoo.com


Thrombocytopenia in surgical patients is a potentially serious condition, faced by surgeons. A close relationship between sepsis and thrombocytopenia has been suggested. Thrombocytopenia has even been suggested to be indicative of an acute infection. Platelet count in a septicemic patient may also serve as a prognostic tool. There are many reports of thrombocytopenia due to septicemia in the literature but the occurrence of thrombocytopenia in maxillofacial infections is rare. Thrombocytopenia in a patient with odontogenic infection presents unique diagnostic and management challenges. A case report of an adult male patient with odontogenic infection, who developed life-threatening thrombocytopenia, is presented.
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Submitted: 01 May 2011
Accepted: 20 Aug 2011
ePublished: 26 Jun 2017
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