
Visual Abstract

JODDD now with visual abstracts. Authors can now add a visual abstract to their submission.

Platinum* Open Access

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2015;9(3): 131-137. doi: 10.15171/joddd.2015.026
PMID: 26697144        PMCID: PMC4682008

Original Research

In Vitro Comparison of Apically Extruded Debris during Root Canal Preparation of Mandibular Premolars with Manual and Rotary Instruments

Sonal Soi 1 * , Suman Yadav 2, Sumeet Sharma 3, Mohit Sharma 4

Cited by CrossRef: 1

1- Tanalp J. A critical analysis of research methods and experimental models to study apical extrusion of debris and irrigants. Int Endodontic J. 2022;55(S1):153 [Crossref]