
Visual Abstract

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2016;10(1): 57-64. doi: 10.15171/joddd.2016.009
PMID: 27092216        PMCID: PMC4831613

Original Research

The impact of an educational pamphlet on the awareness of parents about 4‒6-year-old children’s oral habits and dentofacial discrepancies

Shahla Momeni Danaei 1, Fatemeh Faghihi 2, Ali Golkari 3, Maryam Saki 4 *

Cited by CrossRef: 5

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7- Fernández Gallardo M, Rojas Contreras D, Inostroza-Allende F. Hábitos orales no saludables y calidad de vida en un grupo de niños/as preescolares chilenos/as. Rev CEFAC. 2025;27(2) [Crossref]
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