
Visual Abstract

JODDD now with visual abstracts. Authors can now add a visual abstract to their submission.

Platinum* Open Access

*This Platinum Open Access journal publishes articles totally free of charge for the authors and provides unrestricted access to the published content through its website and open access repositories such as PubMed Central.

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2018;12(2): 135-139. doi: 10.15171/joddd.2018.021
PMID: 30087765        PMCID: PMC6076881

Case Report

Restoring a post-traumatic partial edentulous mandible with the Toronto prosthesis: a clinical report

Fatemeh Nematollahi 1, Marzieh Alikhasi 2, Elaheh Beyabanaki 3 *

Cited by CrossRef: 3

1- Niakan S, Yaghoobi N. Oral reconstruction with hybrid implant‐supported fixed prostheses in cases of mandibular defect using two methods along with 3 years of follow‐up: A case report. Clinical Case Reports. 2021;9(9) [Crossref]
2- KİRAZ M, ÇEVİK P. Tam Dişsiz Maksillanın Toronto Altyapı Tasarımına Sahip Hibrit Protez ile Rehabilitasyonuna Dijital ve Konvansiyonel Yaklaşım: Olgu Sunumu. 2022;11(2):166 [Crossref]
3- KAYNAK ÖZTÜRK E, KAHRAMAN Ş, DELİLBAŞI E, BARIŞ E, BANKOĞLU GÜNGÖR M. Rehabilitation of Surgically Reconstructed Partially Edentulous Mandible with Iliac Crest Graft After Ameloblastoma Resection with an Implant-Supported “Toronto Prosthesis”. 2023;5(1):42 [Crossref]