
Visual Abstract

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2019;13(3): 172-176. doi: 10.15171/joddd.2019.027
PMID: 31857862        PMCID: PMC6904911

Case Report

A fixed intraoral nail biting habit-breaker appliance: A case report of a novel approach to prevent onychophagia

Shankhanil Dev 1 * ORCID, Ananya Pal 2, Shabnam Zahir 1, Gautam Kumar Kundu 1

Cited by CrossRef: 2

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3- Lesinskiene S, Pociute K, Dervinyte-Bongarzoni A, Kinciniene O. Onychophagia as a clinical symptom: A pilot study of physicians and literature review. Science Progress. 2021;104(4) [Crossref]
4- Alesmaeil A, Şehirli E. Real‐Time Nail‐Biting Detection on a Smartwatch Using Three CNN Models Pipeline. Computational Intelligence. 2025;41(1) [Crossref]