
Visual Abstract

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2020;14(4): 223-227. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2020.046
PMID: 33575011        PMCID: PMC7867687

Original Article

In vitro comparison of two photostimulable phosphor plate systems for early detection of occlusal dentin caries with and without a sharpening filter

Roghieh Bardal 1 * ORCID, Mahshid Mobini 1 ORCID, Matin Mirzaee 2 ORCID

Cited by CrossRef: 1

1- Siqueira A, Pacheco de Oliveira Mota V, de-Azevedo-Vaz S. Influence of radiographic acquisition methods and visualization software programs on the detection of misfits at the implant-abutment interface: An ex vivo study. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2022;127(1):107.e1 [Crossref]