
Visual Abstract

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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2021;15(3): 157-162. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2021.027
PMID: 34712405        PMCID: PMC8538143

Original Article

Comparison of the efficacy of sonic irrigation and conventional syringe irrigation in the removal of curcumin and triple antibiotic paste from root canals

Mehmet Adigüzel 1 ORCID, Koray Yilmaz 1 * ORCID, İsmail İlker Pamukçu 1

Cited by CrossRef: 1

1- Chamorro-Petronacci C, Torres B, Guerrero-Nieves R, Pérez-Sayáns M, Carvalho-de Abreu Fantini M, Cides-da-Silva L, Magariños B, Rivas-Mundiña B. Efficacy of Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole and Minocycline in Ordered Mesoporous Silica against Enterococcus faecalis for Dental Pulp Revascularization: An In-Vitro Study. Materials. 2022;15(6):2266 [Crossref]