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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2021;15(4): 239-246. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2021.039
PMID: 35070176        PMCID: PMC8760380

Original Article

Denture base adaptation, retention, and mechanical properties of BioHPP versus nano-alumina-modified polyamide resins

Radwa Mohsen Kamal Emera 1 * ORCID, Reham Mohammed Abdallah 2,3

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2- Reda R, Zanza A, Galli M, De Biase A, Testarelli L, Di Nardo D. Applications and Clinical Behavior of BioHPP in Prosthetic Dentistry: A Short Review. J Compos Sci. 2022;6(3):90 [Crossref]