J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2016;10(2): 81-86.
doi: 10.15171/joddd.2016.013
PMID: 27429723
PMCID: PMC4946000
  Abstract View: 855
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Original Research

Efficacy of adding a supporting implant in stress distribution of long-span fixed partial dentures: a 3D finite element analysis

Rami Shurbaji Mozayek 1,2*, Mirza Allaf 3, Mohammad B. Abuharb 3

1 MSc, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
2 Professor, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
3 Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Design, Faculty of Electric and Mechanical Engineering, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
*Corresponding Author: Email: Rami_sh@yahoo.com


Background. Long span is seen in many clinical situations. Treatmentplanning options of these cases are difficult and may require FPD, RPD or ISP. Each option has its own disadvantages, including mechanical problems, patient comfort and cost. This article will evaluate the stress distribution of a different treatment option, which consists of adding a single sup-porting implant to the FPD by using 3D finite element analysis.Methods. Three models, each consisting of 5 units, were created as follows: 1. Tooth Pontic Pontic Pontic Tooth; 2. Tooth Pontic Implant Pontic Tooth; 3. Tooth Pontic Pontic Implant Tooth. An axial force was applied to the prostheses by using 3D finite element method and stresses were evaluated.Results. The maximum stress was found in the prostheses in all the models; the highest stress values in all the shared components of the models were almost similar. Stress in implants was lower in the second model than the third one.Conclusion. Adding a supporting implant in long-span FPD has no advantages while it has the disadvantages of complicating treatment and the complications that may occur to the implant and surrounding bone.
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Submitted: 26 Jun 2016
Accepted: 26 Jun 2016
ePublished: 26 Jun 2016
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