J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2013;7(2): 112-118.
doi: 10.5681/joddd.2013.020
PMID: 23875091
PMCID: PMC3713860
  Abstract View: 987
  PDF Download: 535

Case Report

Simultaneous Replacement of Maxillary Central Incisors with CEREC Biogeneric Reference Technique: A Case Report

Gokhan Akgungor*, Deniz Sen, Eray Bal, Mutlu Özcan
*Corresponding Author: Email: gokhan.akgungor@yahoo.com


Biogeneric Reference Technique (BRT) of the CEREC 3D v.3.8 software is an effective technique for single anterior ceramic crowns because it provides computer-controlled match of the tooth form to the contralateral tooth. BRT also enables the fabrication of two or more anterior all-ceramic crowns simultaneously. This clinical report demonstrates the clinical application of BRT for designing and milling two central incisors in one appointment using a single optical impression. After completing the virtual design of the first central incisor, it was copied and a mirror image was created. The second central incisor was designed using this replicated image and therefore a computer-controlled symmetry was obtained. The crowns were milled from monolithic feldspathic ceramic blocks and adhesively luted with dual-cured resin cement following dentin conditioning. At the two-year follow-up appointment, the restorations were intact, no adverse effects were noted, and the resultant appearance was highly satisfactory for the patient. A step-by-step protocol is described from design to cementation of these restorations.
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Submitted: 25 Dec 2012
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